Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Science Tokyo / Fukushima Reconstruction and Revitalization Unit

Message from Dr. Nakase

Professor Masahiko Nakase

Hi, my name is Masahiko Nakase. I belong to the Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research, Science Tokyo. I also work for the Fukushima Recovery and Revitalization Research Unit.
As of April 1, 2023, Nakase lab was started. We look forward to working with you in my Lab. In Nakase Lab, we are working on many research topics mainly related to nuclear chemical engineering. We do chemical experiments, numerical simulations, and some AI-related technology. We want to innovate in nuclear energy by combining Science, chemistry, and IT.

Nakase Lab. is working on nuclear chemical engineering, and we have many collaborations with several external researchers. Our study themes can be roughly classified into six key categories.
1. Study on new nuclear energy systems
- Innovative nuclear reactors, systems in cooperation with renewable energy
2. Nuclear fuel cycle
- Cycle integration and back-end technology (reprocessing, waste fabrication, and disposal)
3. Fukushima reconstruction and revitalization research
- waste treatment and disposal
4. Actinide chemistry
- Minor Actinide (MA), Actinium for medical purpose
5. Digital technology research
6. Research on energy policy and strategy based on evaluation of various quantities

We apply various approaches based on chemistry, chemical engineering, and mechanical engineering through experiments, calculations, and IT. For experiments, new extractants and adsorbents for the separation of various elements are synthesized, and their physical properties, performance evaluation, and application research are conducted. We are also working with DFT and MD calculations to understand the chemistry further.

We also conduct experiments using external facilities and radioisotopes. One of the main features of our laboratory is the active use of off-campus experimental facilities (Please check the ”Links” at the top of the homepage).

Nuclear energy is a complex engineering system consisting of multiple fields, and its system research requires a diverse set of perspectives in particular. Although focusing on one part is critical, studying only one part of the cycle does not result in total optimization. However, communication with “researchers in many fields” is not always easy. I realized that communication abilities as a researcher are essential to collaborating with researchers in many areas for NFC integration study. We think collaboration with many research institutes, universities, and business persons is indispensable to contribute to society as a researcher. Therefore, we would like to provide an opportunity to connect with professional researchers for students.

In addition to nuclear engineering research, we are also interested in other scientific topics. For example, reprocessing research is related to recovering rare metals from urban mines and removing contaminants from the environment. We also engage in research related to analytical chemistry.
Aside from research, I've recently concluded that improving our quality of life and work-life balance is critical. Research is only one part of your life, and how you make your life happier is essential. To realize that, we also work on digital transformation to make dairy tasks more efficient; we hope it could help all the members be creative and comfortable. We shall continue to engage in research and teaching activities to fulfill our social obligation as members of Science Tokyo.

Masahiko Nakase

Research Environment and Equipment

The Nakase Lab provides organic and inorganic synthesis environments, and many analytical and characterization studies are possible. We also often use shared analytical instruments in Science Tokyo and outside the university (Please see the “Link” at the top of the webpage). The experiments outside our university allow us to interact with researchers in various institutions and obtain different perspectives. We will accompany students on experimental travels if it is consistent with their research objectives. Research trip is one of my favorite activities in the lab!

We have also worked in computer science in recent years, as well as experiments. We run multiple workstations for chemical calculations, computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer calculations, chemical process analysis, and machine learning. We also use supercomputers (TSUBAME at Science Tokyo and Masamune at Tohoku University) if necessary.

Main Laboratory Equipment

Equipment   Maker
ICP-Mass spectrometer Shimadzu Corporation
A set of multi-type ICP emission spectrometer Shimadzu Corporation
Spark Plasma Sintering System (SPS1000)
* Installed in the Laboratory of Alpha-Ray Emitters, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
SUGA Co., Ltd.
Workstation: 8 units Applied, HP, Sunway Technology, DELL, Real Computing
Color 3D laser microscope Keyence
Simultaneous measurement of thermal analysis and thermophysical properties NETZSCH-Geratebau Gmbh
Fluorescence Spectrophotometer Phosphorescence Lifetime Measurement System HORIBA
Airborne ultrasound machine Japan Probe
High-temperature and high-pressure cell system for Raman spectroscopy High-temperature and high-pressure cell S.T. Japan
Thermal analyzer Shimadzu Corporation
Mixer settler type extraction test equipment: 2 units of 16 stages art science
Draft chamber set: 3 draft chambers Dalton
Electric furnace temperature control measuring device Ishikawa Seisakusho
CW-YAG laser (600mW) head & sheet optical system Kanomax
UV-visible spectrophotometer JASCO
Atomic absorption spectrophotometer Shimadzu Corporation
Autosampler Shimadzu Corporation
Double syringe pump Model-33 Harvard Apparatus, USA
Density/specific gravity/concentration meter Anton Paar
CW-YAG laser (600mW) power supply Kanomax
Automatic lifting system for pyrometry Japan Probe
Automatic refractometer anton paar
Integrating sphere unit JASCO
High sensitivity 3CCD color camera Nikon
Liquid cell for infrared spectroscopy JASCO
Ultrasonic cleaner 25kHz oscillator and immersion transducer BRANSON
Multi-unit compatible PC data acquisition system Keyence
Constant temperature cell holder with stirrer for CT-10T JASCO
Stage controller Sigma light machine
Absolute pressure gauge Nagano instrument

Main Off-Campus Facilities

  • Synchrotron radiation facilities: SPring-8, Photon Factory, Aichi Synchrotron Light Center
  • Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University (Alpha Emitter Laboratory, International Research Center for Quantum Energy Materials Science)
  • Tohoku University Electron Photographic Research Center
  • Tohoku University Synchrotron and Radioisotope Center
  • Institute of Multidisciplinary Research, Tohoku University (from R5)
  • Kyoto University Uji Campus
  • Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science (KURNS)