Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Science Tokyo / Fukushima Reconstruction and Revitalization Unit

Nuclear Energy System Research Laboratory

Our Mission

Regardless of the nuclear energy policy, the safe disposal of spent nuclear fuels (SNFs) generated by nuclear energy utilization is critical. Due to the fission and subsequent decay reactions, SNFs contain various elements and isotopes. Separation of highly radio-toxic and heat-emitting elements such as minor actinide (MA) can lower the load on the vitrified waste fabrication and the required size of the final repository. The separation of platinum group elements (PGMs), which adversely influences manufacturing vitrified waste, is also essential. However, separating such elements can also generate secondary wastes, and the separated RI should be managed appropriately.  Some separated materials are reusable, such as fissile materials, rare earth (RE), and PGMs. We aim to establish a reasonable nuclear fuel cycle.
To take care of the separated elements, we are developing the media for intermediate storage of MA and various kinds of waste forms. The Waste study is tightly connected to the Fukushima decommission study. For example, we developed a phosphate waste form of the ALPS sediment waste, Synrock, and some glasses. The fabricated simulated waste is irradiated by a,b,g, and macroscopic, and microscopic observation and measurements are implemented.
To establish a reasonable NFC, evaluation of mass balance is quite essential. Understanding the dynamic and transient situation is critical. For example, before we implement the advanced separation process in the reprocessing process,
We develop the code for the dynamic situation of the NFC and study the future nuclear energy system.
We are performing fundamental research on separation science, one of these crucial terms, by fully utilizing chemistry, chemical, and mechanical engineering. Our mission is to contribute to a better human society by solving challenging problems in nuclear energy utilization.


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Nakase Laboratory, Institute of Innovative Research, Science Tokyo, and a research group led by Dr. Kenji Nishihara from the Japan Atomic Energy Agency have collaboratively developed the simulation code NMB4.0 for the study of future nuclear energy utilization scenarios. The code is freely available from the NMB official website.